Weather Diaries
The man from British Gas, who'd come to sell us a new boiler, looked up at the kitchen window. 'Spiders,' he said, noticing the couple we are hosting outside the…
The man from British Gas, who'd come to sell us a new boiler, looked up at the kitchen window. 'Spiders,' he said, noticing the couple we are hosting outside the…
Sorry! - I missed this one. It was 24th August. The traditional end of summer, when we begin to turn the candles back on. It's a time for markets and…
On dovegreyreader's blog a group is getting together to read W&P a chapter a day. It should take a year. As this is one of the greatest historical novels ever,…
Paula, a reader who lives in California, has recently been in touch. She teaches art history in high school and wants to know how much of my novels is factual,…
I'm currently reading an excellent novel set in the Boer War by Joyce Koetze which I'm trying to help her get published. It's an epic story but her structural planning…