Some of the most powerful and insightful papers about Angelo Poliziano were written by the scholar Juliana Hill Cotton. She did not publish her thesis and those pieces she did publish often prove difficult to track down. Here is a bibliography with the locations where I found them (which doesn’t mean that’s the only place they are available.
- Ex Libris Politani – I
- Ex Libris Politani – II, Modern Language Review, xxxii (1937)
- Iconografia di Angelo Poliziano, Rinascimento, vol ii, Dec 1951
- Death and Politian, Durham University Journal, vol xlvi no. 3, 1954 Appendices I – IV [main paper available at British Library but without appendices, which I found at the Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, Strozzi Palace library, Florence]
- Materia Medica del Poliziano, published in Il Poliziano e il suo tempo : atti del IV convegno internazionale di studi sul rinascimento (Firenze : [s.n.], 1957) [offprint available at Bodleian] [She states that this is the second part of a study on the materia medica that was examined by Poliziano, and that the first part was Death and Politian published in the Durham University Journal, June 1954. ‘It was later published with various additions, in a separate reprint.’]
- Alessandro Sarti e il Poliziano, Bibliofilia, Firenze, 1962
- The Marriage of Isabella of Aragon and Politian’s odes In Puellam and In Anum, Bibliotheque d’Humanisme et la Renaissance, vol xxv, 1963.
- Politian, Humanist Poet, Italica xlvi 2, 1969, [Warburg Institute] A review of Ida Maier’s Les Manuscrits d’Ange Politien: Catalogue descriptif, and Ange Politien, La Formation d’un poete humaniste (1464-1480)
- Name-list from a medical register of the Italian Renaissance, 1350-1550, compiled 1976 [Bodleian Library]
Juliana Hill Cotton devoted her life to study of Poliziano, his poetry and the influence upon him of medicine. Her thesis was unfinished at her death and, after our efforts to trace it were successful, have been deposited at the Bodleian Library, Oxford.